Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

Hugo 探索荒廢軍隊食堂 Hugo Explores Deserted Army Mess

熱愛城市探險的 Hugo 進入一座廢棄的前陸軍軍官食堂。它建於1933年,是一棟L形的單層建築,屋前有平台。室內大廳有壁爐,另外有酒吧。 自1997年荒廢。

熱愛城市探險的 Hugo 進入一座廢棄的前陸軍軍官食堂。

它建於1933年,是一棟L形的單層建築,屋前有平台。外牆大多抹上素色粗灰批盪。前面及側立面等距排列的鋼窗闊大。室內大廳有壁爐,另外有酒吧。 自1997年以來一直荒廢。


Avid urban explorer Hugo ventures into a deserted former army officer mess.

Built in 1933, it was a single-storey L-shape building with a terrace in the front. The facades are generally finished with painted roughcast rendering. There are large and regularly spaced steel windows, a bar and a fireplace with granite mantel. It has been deserted since 1997.

Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace and not revealing the location.

楊必興 P H Yang