Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

梁凌杰逝世11個月 中環悼念會 Mourning of Leung Ling-kit’s Death in Central 11 Months On


去年6月15日,反送中抗爭者梁凌杰穿著黃色雨衣,背上寫有「林鄭殺港 黑警冷血」,站在金鐘太古廣場高處,要求港府撤回修訂《逃犯條例》。最後不幸墮下,不治去世。他是反送中運動第一個離世的抗爭者,喚醒更多香港人參加抗爭。

今日是梁凌杰去世後11個月,有網民發起「梁凌杰逝世第11個月悼念會」。下午1點,逾百市民聚集在中環置地廣場中庭共三層,有人展示「承你遺願 守衛我城」、「警暴未停、市民未休」等横幅。有人高舉「光復香港、時代革命」黑旗及殖民地時代香港旗。



Mourning of Leung Ling-kit’s Death in Central 11 Months On

On 15 June last year, Leung Ling-kit, a protester wearing a yellow raincoat with “Carrie Lam Killing Hong Kong, Evil Police Cold-blooded” written on his back, stood high above Pacific Place in Admiralty, demanding the Hong Kong government to withdraw the amendment to the extradition laws. Unfortunately, he fell and died. He was the first protester who passed away in the anti-extradition movement and awakened more Hong Kong people to join the struggle.

Today is 11 months after Leung’s death, netizens called on a “11th month mourning for Leung”. At 1pm, over 100 citizens gathered on all 3 floora at the atrium of the Landmark in Central. Banners reading “Follow your last wish to guard our city” and “Police brutality unchecked, Citizens will not rest.” A black flag of “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time” and a colonial era Hong Kong flag was raised.

Citizens sang “Glory to Hong Kong”, and chanted “5 Demands, Not One Less.”

The citizens on the scene all wore masks. Everyone stood scattered with no more than 8 people in a group. The Silver-haired Group founder Tam Kwok-sun distributed packs of 5 surgical masks with “Bravo Hong-Konger”. There are multiple police vehicles outside the Landmark, uniformed police patrolling and intercepting passers-by. Police did not entered the Landmark.

楊必興 P H Yang