Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

中環快閃 數百上班族聲援理大 Hundreds of Office Workers in Central Flashmob to Support PolyU


有市民發起今日繼續在中環、九龍灣、觀塘等多區午膳時間「和你Lunch (午餐)」活動,呼籲市民現身聲援理大及學生。中午12:45時開始,數百市民及上班族在中環畢打街及德輔道中置地廣場外聚集,大呼「五大訴求,缺一不可」。

1時許,市民向告士打道環球大廈行人天橋進發,高呼「解散警隊 刻不容缓」等口號,並唱《願榮光歸香港》。


Netizens calls for continuing “Lunch with Us” flashmob in several districts such as Central, Kowloon Bay and Kwun Tong calling on people to rally at lunch time to show their support for the movement. Starting at 12:45 pm, hundreds of people and office workers gathered in Pedder Street and Des Voeux Road Central outside Landmark and chanted “5 Demands, Not One Less”.

At 1 pm, the crowd marched towards the footbridge of Worldwide House on Gloucester Road, chanting slogans such as “Disbanding the police without delay” and singing “Glory to Hong Kong”.

During the period, a pro-establishment man known as “Dragon Heart”, dressed in black riot police-like clothes, and played the national anthem loudly with audio equipment and took selfies. He was shouted down by citizens and office workers.

楊必興 P H Yang