徐是雄教授自2018年起,先後出版了多本有關「人類命運的演變和進化」系列的著作,最新一本書《中國如何引領和導向世界未來的發展》,翻譯成英文版How China will Lead and Direct the Future Development of the World and the Evolution of Human Civilization,現已出版在各大書店發售。
The traditional Chinese civilization, with its 5,000+ years of history, has continued to advance and evolve under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party after the founding of New China in 1949. As we all know, the founding of New China has resulted in the establishment of many new and original concepts, principles, theories and initiatives of national and international governance, as well as the formation of many new and innovative civilizational elements that we have never seen before. These elements will continue to advance and drive the evolution of human civilization to a height that the author predict will last for hundreds and thousands of years in the history of advancement and development of human civilization.
Presently, China is still at its early stage of building a Chinese socialist society (equivalent to the primary stage) of building a New Chinese Civilization). According to China’s 14th Five-year Plan and China’s objectives for 2035, China will become a “wealthy, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful modern socialist State” from 2035 to the middle of the century (equivalent to an advanced civilized socialist State).
In this book, the author has provided evidence to show that China will be able to reach these goals because they are a part of China’s strong wish to build a “New Civilization Form” and a “Global Civilization of a Community of Shared Future for Humanity”; its determination to carry out Party self-reform; its endeavour to adhere to the “new quality productive forces +” philosophy; and its willingness to stand firm as the stabilizing force in a turbulent world.
This book is the latest addition to the “The Evolution of Human Destiny Series” by the author.
書名:How China will Lead and Direct the Future Development of the World and the Evolution of Human Civilization 作者:徐是雄(ZEE Sze Yong) 譯者:歐霖(AU Lin) 出版社:灼見名家傳媒 出版日期:2024年7月