約200萬人上街,人數看來比6月9日更多,響應民陣遊行,要求撤回修例、取消「暴動」定義、警方釋放被捕者,並要求林鄭月娥下台。頭幅寫上「痛心疾首 撤回惡法」。
A record of nearly 2 million people took to the streets to demand the withdrawal of the China extradition amendments, to recind classifying the 12 June protests as a ‘riot’, to release all those arrested, and Chief Executive Carrie Lam to step down. The front banners read ‘Distressed with a bleeding heart. Withdraw the evil law.’
Carrie Lam announced at a press conference on Saturday that the amendments of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance will be suspended. Jimmy Sham, convenor of the organiser Civil Rights Front, said that he is very disappointed and angry at the response of Lam and believes that she did not pay attention to the demands of Hong Kong people.
Chief Executive Carrie Lam has issued a statement to apologise to Hong Kong people saying she promises to accept criticism with humility, after the massive march.