Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

Pauline 在三椏村賞蘆葦 Pauline Savours Silver Reed at Sam A Tsuen

夢魂空繫瀟湘岸,煙水茫茫蘆葦花。(唐 | 黃滔)

熱愛行山、攝影及城市探索的 Pauline,在三椏村賞蘆葦。三椏村位於新界東北茘枝窩與三椏灣之間,被紅樹林包圍,有時長滿了蘆葦草。村內有隱世客家私菜,甚受行山客歡迎。


Pauline, who loves hiking, photography and urban exploration, savours the silver reed field at Sam A Tsuen (Village). The village is located between Lai Chi Wo and Sam A Wan in the northeastern New Territories. It is surrounded by mangroves and sometimes covered with silver reed.  There is a cafe serving delicioud Hakka cuisine in the village, which is very popular among hikers.

The nearby Sam A Wan (Bay), in the Yan Chau Tong (Double Haven) Marine Park, is surrounded by mountains with calm and clear water, offering gorgeous scenery.

楊必興 P H Yang