Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

西班牙薩莫拉復活節棕櫚周日遊行 Easter Palm Sunday Procession at Zamora in Spain


在復活節棕櫚周日的慶典遊行結束了西班牙薩莫拉(Zamora) 的聖周,數百名市民在舊城的街道上持棕櫚枝遊行,信眾把復活的耶穌像背在肩膀上。


Easter Palm Sunday Procession at Zamora in Spain

A festive procession on Easter Sunday concludes the Holy Week (Semana Santa) at Zamora, Spain as hundreds of citizens holding palm branches parading through the streets in the old town with the paso of the resurrected Jesus carried on the shoulders of the cargadores.

This was the scene in 2015.

楊必興 P H Yang