七年來,嘗試據迴文詩與十二音列體,自擗英詩風格—— 有幸夢圓,拙作 A Fugue of Tone Rhyming 入選 2009年美國 Tom Howard 作詩比賽——”Highly Recommended for Verse in All Styles and Genres”。我撰寫新或舊詩時,則力求貫徹聲、韻、情、境的同步規範 synchronization profile:

周文中教授以88高齡,來電郵督勵: “I know exactly what you’re driving at but of course you’re writing in such a modern archaic style, I don’t know how many Chinese can understand it. That’s a tough question with all sorts of implication. ” 京奧會後,我撰了一闕英詩〈長江與赫德遜河複音旋律的對位〉獻給周教授。
