中:台入CPTPP 須以「一中」原則為前提
另一方面,儘管台灣近5年花費7500萬新台幣遊說CPTPP成員國支持其加入CPTPP,近期的CPTPP部長級會議尚未討論台灣的申請。台灣行政院院長陳建仁最近將台灣未能加入CPTPP歸咎於「中國的打壓」。 民眾黨立委邱臣遠說,CPTPP成員國對台灣的申請尚未達成共識,台灣須待CPTPP成立工作小組才能進行後續談判。 邱臣遠預測,台灣在2023年或2024年加入CPTPP的機會「非常渺茫」。

美借深化與台關係 推動全球供應鏈重組
不過,台灣民眾黨主席柯文哲表示,日本自民黨幹事長告訴他,台灣無法加入CPTPP。針對文哲的說法,台灣行政院經貿談判辦公室發表聲明,稱日本各界支持台灣申請加入CPTPP。 台灣當局還完成了涉及漁業、藥品、化妝品、郵政服務、知識產權等11項法規的修法。聲明又稱,台灣已放寬從日本福島進口食品。 因此,台灣正努力增強經濟競爭力以加入CPTPP。
與此同時,國民黨批評民進黨試圖加入CPTPP卻拒絕與大陸簽訂服務貿易協定,這是「欺騙」台灣民眾。國民黨員立法委員賴士葆認為,如果 CPTPP 要求所有成員國公平、平等、自由地對待彼此,那麼台灣政府就不應該禁止從中國大陸進口約 2000 種產品。賴士葆批評民進黨總統候選人賴清德採取「反中保台」政策,實際上是在「壓縮台灣的國際貿易空間」。 賴士葆的主要觀點是,民進黨不應迴避與大陸討論貿易關係和協議,只關注申請加入CPTPP。
2023年6月8日,賴清德出席「澳台情誼年回顧晚宴」,遊說澳洲政府支持台灣加入CPTPP。 賴清德強調,台灣與澳洲的雙邊貿易關係有所改善,雙方擁有相同的民主和人權價值觀。
台灣方面為遊說日本和澳洲支持其加入CPTPP做出了巨大努力。另一方面,澳洲政府助理貿易部長蒂姆·艾爾斯(Tim Ayres)卻在7月14日暗示,中國短期內很難加入CPTPP。艾爾斯表示,「考慮未來的加入申請還有待時日」,CPTPP 「是一項高標準的協定」。他指出,英國作為新成員「在遵守世貿組織規則方面擁有良好的記錄,並將達到CPTPP的標準」。
The New Politics of Entering CPTPP: Perspectives from Beijing and Taipei
Recent developments have shown that the rivalry between Beijing and Taipei over their application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) is becoming more intense than before.
Both Beijing and Taipei applied for the membership of CPTPP in September 16 and 22, 2021, respectively. The CPTPP is a free trade organization composed of Australia, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Mexico, Peru, and Chile. It came to operation in December 2018. Except for a few agricultural products, almost all other industrial products are exempted from tax in the member states. In March 2023, the government of the United Kingdom announced that it completed all the negotiations over its entry into the CPTPP, whose member states agree that the UK will join as a new member.
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been responding to Taiwan’s application for the CPTPP negatively, saying in September 2021 that Taiwan as a district must adopt the one-China principle to participate in regional economic organizations.
On July 21, Reuters reported that the Taiwan authorities are investigating a situation in which some documents concerning Taiwan’s application for the CPTPP membership were leaked out. Reuters said it could not verify whether the leaked documents were fake or not.
On April 23, 2023, the PRC State Council’s Ministry of Commerce vice minister, Wang Shuowen, told the media that China is willing to, and that China has the capability to enter the CPTPP. He added that China’s entry into the CPTPP is in conformity with the interest of not only the PRC but also CPTPP member states and the economic recovery of the Asia-Pacific region and the world (Ta Kung Pao, April 23, 2023).
Wang said China in some free trade experimental zones has already adopted the rules, criteria, management practices of the CPTPP. From China’s perspective, Wang remarked, joining the CPTPP would be conducive to the further opening-up process and its deepening reforms. Furthermore, the number of consumers of the member states of CPTPP would increase by threefold if China participates in it.
It was reported that China has studied some 2,300 stipulations under the CPTPP to see how the mainland can reform the necessary areas and how it should undertake legal amendments for the sake of opening the door further in trade liberalization and cross-border service trade.
From June 25th to 30th, when the New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins visited China, both sides reached a Joint Declaration on the enhancement of their bilateral relations to a “strategic partnership” level. Most interestingly, New Zealand expressed its support of China to apply for its entry into the CPTPP.
On the other hand, Taiwan spent NT$75 million in the last five years to lobby the CPTPP member states for support of its application to the CPTPP (Ta Kung Pao, July 20, 2023). However, the CPTPP’s recent ministerial meeting has not yet discussed the Taiwan application. Taiwan Premier Chen Chien-jen has recently put the blame of the Taiwan inability of entering the CPTPP on “the mainland’s resistance” (Ta Kung Pao, July 20, 2023). A legislator affiliated with the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Chiu Chen-yuan, added that the CPTPP member states did not have a consensus on Taiwan’s application and that Taiwan must wait for the establishment of a working group under the CPTPP. Chiu predicted that the chance of Taiwan’s entry into the CPTPP will be “very slim” in 2023 and 2024.
John Deng Chen-chung, the minister in charge of the Taiwan Office of Trade Negotiations, questioned on July 20 that, given the CPTPP’s stringent criteria, it would be doubtful whether the CPTPP would make compromise with the PRC in the application to join the organization. According to Deng, the Sino-American rivalries have generated a chaotic situation in which Taiwan traders have grasped the opportunity to expand their business relations with not only America but also Mexico. Furthermore, Taiwan is negotiating a foreign investment promotion and protection agreement with Canada. Both Taiwan and Canada in April 2023 were discussing measures to assist the small and medium enterprises, the indigenous peoples, women, and other groups in a new business environment.
On the other hand, Taiwan will discuss with the US on how to enhance trade relations under the US-Taiwan Initiative on the 21st Century Trade, which was approved by the US Senate on July 18. Given the rocky Sino-US relations, Washington has become very keen to enhance its relations with Taiwan and to promote a reorganization of the global supply chain through its increasing support of Taipei. Both sides have since June 2023 have reached consensus on how to facilitate bilateral trade, good governance, the harmonization of their service sectors’ stipulations, and the support for small and medium enterprises.
However, the chairperson of the Taiwan People’s Party, Ko Wen-je, said that a top official of the Liberal Democratic Party in Japan told him that Taiwan would not be able to enter the CPTPP. In response to Ko’s assertion, the Taiwan Economic and Trade Negotiation Office under the Executive Yuan issued a statement, saying that many sectors in Japan supported Taiwan’s application to join the CPTPP. Moreover, the Taiwan authorities have amended eleven legislations, including those on the fishing industry, pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics industry, the postal service, and intellectual property rights. Taiwan, according to the statement, has relaxed the import of food products from Japan’s Fukushima. Hence, Taiwan is making strenuous efforts at increasing its economic competitiveness and entering the CPTPP.
In early July, a cross-party delegation from Japan visited Taiwan and its members met Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen. The delegation chief, Maehara Seiji, said that three opposition parties in Japan supported Taiwan’s bid of entering the CPTPP. Tsai told the delegation members that they should lobby the Members of Parliament back in Japan to support Taiwan’s application to the CPTPP. The Japanese delegation was composed of members from the Constitutional Democratic Party, the Japan Restoration Party, and the Democratic Party for the People.
At the same time, the Kuomintang (KMT) criticized the DPP for “deceiving” the people of Taiwan by trying to enter the CPTPP but rejecting the service trade agreement with mainland China. A KMT member, Lai Shyh-bao, argued that if the CPTPP required all members states to treat each other fairly, equally, and freely, then the Taiwan government should not ban the import of some 2,000 products from mainland China (Liberty Times, July 3, 2023). Lai levelled his criticisms at the DPP presidential candidate William Lai, who adopted a policy of “opposing China but protecting Taiwan,” and who is actually “shrinking the international trade space of Taiwan.” Lai’s main point is that the DPP cannot avoid discussing with mainland China on their trade relations and agreement and that it just focused on the application to the CPTPP.
In June 2023, William Lai went to attend a dinner with the Australian trade representatives in Taiwan, lobbying the Australian government to support Taiwan’s entry into the CPTPP. Lai emphasized that the bilateral trade relations between Taiwan and Australia have improved, and that both places share the same democratic and human rights values.
In May 2023, when John Deng attended a ministerial meeting of APEC in Washington, it was reported that he lobbied the APEC member states to support Taiwan’s bid to enter the CPTPP.
In the same month, a delegation of young members of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan visited Taiwan and met Tsai Ing-wen, who according to reports mentioned that the delegation members should actively lobby the Japanese government to help Taiwan’s entry into the CPTPP (Liberty Times, May 4, 2023).
While tremendous efforts have been made by Taiwan to lobby Japan and Australia to support its application to the CPTPP, Tim Ayres, an assistant trade minister of the Australian government, implied on July 14 that it would be difficult for China to enter the CPTPP in the near term (The Guardian , July 14, 2023). Ayres said that “the consideration of future accession application is some way off” and that the CPTPP is “the preeminent trade agreement in the world.” He pointed to the UK as a new member who “got a strong record of complying with WTO rules and is going to measure up to the CPTPP standards.”
China and Australia have trade dispute over the tariffs on the Australian barley. Ayres added that “these trade impediments are not in the interest of Australian exporters, but they’re not in the interests of China or Chinese consumers or Chinese industry either.”
It looks as if the Sino-Australian barley dispute would hamper the prospect of Australia’s support of China’s application to the CPTPP, even though China has recently taken steps to ease trade tensions by resuming the import of Australian timber, coal, and stone fruits. However, barley, wine, seafood, and red meat are subject to trade restrictions.
In conclusion, the politics of entering the CPTPP is increasingly intense, especially from the Taiwan side where the government authorities have been lobbying foreign countries, their officials and politicians, and where the opposition parties and politicians are pouring cold water on the ruling party. On the other hand, China is eager to enter the CPTPP and has taken concrete measures to liberalize its trade practices. Still, the complex relationships between China and other countries, including Australian and Japan, would likely hamper Beijing’s efforts at entering the CPTPP at least in the short run. On the other hand, Taiwan’s attempt at joining the CPTPP is facing obstacles. Taipei adopts a restrictive trade policy toward the mainland, which sees the one-China principle as a prerequisite for Taiwan’s participation in regional economic organizations. As such, an economic tug-of-war between Taipei and Beijing is producing a deadlock in which both sides may find it difficult to enter the CPTPP at least in the short run.