Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

Trade and Negotiate

正所謂 there are tricks in every trade 各行都有竅門、各業都有妙訣;英語也有另一流行的說法 Two of a trade can never agree 同行是冤家
The Cross-Strait Services Trade Agreement (CSSTA) reached a breaking point,   台灣與大陸簽署《兩岸服務貿易協定》,遇到民眾反對 。
There are three key issues :  
  1. the legality and implications of reneging on a bilateral agreement 違反或徹回協議的法律影響,
  2. the significance of international image and reputation for diplomatic relations 國際形象和外交關係的涵義, and most importantly,
  3. how to design feasible and effective ways to protect the most vulnerable members of Taiwanese society 如何保護協議實施後對弱小國民的生計。

Article 8 of the free trade agreement stipulates that both parties can call for negotiations in the event of a service industry sector or population being negatively impacted,協議提到,如果對一方的服務產業造成大幅損害,受影響的一方可要求與另一方磋商,談判解決問題。



自由貿易是全球化大勢所趨。自由貿易 free-trade is  a system of international trade 國際貿易 in which there are no restrictions or taxes on imports and exports, 即是說: the goods coming into or going out of a country are not controlled or taxed。加拿大政府更近年和歐盟及南韓先後簽暑兩條自由貿易協議。
對外貿易 foreign trade 一定涉及國際貿易差額 balance of trade that is the difference in value between imports and exports : 國際貿易逆差 a balance of trade deficit happens when a country spends more on imports than it earns from exports 。貿易盈餘 trade surplus is the amount by which the value of the goods that a country sells to other countries is more than the value of what it buys from them。就以加拿大為例:目前,南韓在貿易方面,佔盡優勢:2012年出口到加拿大的貿易總額,達到64億加元,而加拿大入口南韓的質易額,只有37億元。 


談判,磋商,協商 TO NEGOTIATE is to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics : 工會領袖一直為工人爭取每週最低工時而進行談判 Union leaders have negotiated an agreement for a shorter working week;談判代表一直為增加工資進行協商 negotiators have been negotiating for more pay。
You negotiate a deal/contract/treaty/settlement 達成交易,確立合同,商定條約內容,同意解決問題的措施。You enter into negotiations 展開談判。 Many issues are open to negotiation 這個問題還在啇討之中,未有結論,可以再商議 : the issue is under negotiation。這次談不攏,下一輪繼續自由貿易協議會談 : You expect the next round of free trade negotiations ;you go back to the negotiating table 重返談判桌,繼績正式的談判會議。
貿易談判是一門高深的學問。談判技巧 Negotiation skills can be of great benefit in resolving any differences that arise between you and others。Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences。It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument。The three principles of fairness, seeking mutual benefit and maintaining a relationship are the keys to a successful outcome。公平,互利,保持良好關係是談判的基本原則。No one likes a  trade war 貿易戰 : a situation in which a group or country is fighting for power, influence, or control。No one wants to start a trade war between Canada and the United States。


國家對內貿易 DOMESTIC TRADE 也有一些不可不知的習用語:例如 trade down 降低消費 : to trade a car down is to buy one that costs less;trade in 以舊物折價換取同類新物品  : He traded in his old car for a new Mercedes ;  trade up 表示以一件物件折價換進同類中較貴的東西,例如賣掉房子,再買大一點的 : trading up to a larger house;trade-off 在需要而又互相對立的兩者之間求取權衡 :  there is a trade-of between the benefits of this drug and the risk of its side effects 這種药物的療效和副作用之間存在權衡利弊的問題。Trade something off 也有以一事物換取另一事物的意思,即是物物交換,進行貿易的方法。
Trade secrets 是行業秘密 : The Coca-Cola formula is a well kept trade secret 可口可樂的成份一直以來是商業祕密;ply your trade 從事工作 to do your work or business; ply for trade 招徠顧客,等生意上門 to look for customers, passengers, etc. in order to do business。passing trade 靠過路客的門市生意,people who go into a shop, restaurant etc because they see it, but are not regular customers : Souvenir shops 遊客區紀念品店 rely mainly on passing trade;do a roaring trade in something 生意與隆 sell a lot of goods very quickly。
行業的絕招、門道、生意經,可以用 tricks of the trade,they are the clever methods of doing things, known and used by people who do a particular trade,  正所謂 there are tricks in every trade 各行都有竅門、各業都有妙訣;英語也有另一流行的說法 Two of a trade can never agree 同行是冤家 two people of the same trade often cannot get along well。
