豪宅於1982年落成,總面積22000平方呎,共有6棟樓及22個住宅單位。 每個實用面積由1512至3221平方呎不等。屋苑內設有室外游泳池。 2020 年,一個財團以約 18 億元的價格購買了該屋苑的所有單位。
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted luxury apartment complex at Mid-levels.
The apartment complex was completed in 1982 with a total area of 22,000 sq ft. There are 6 blocks and 22 residential units. Each saleable area ranges from 1,512 sq ft to 3,221 sq ft. An outdoor swimming pool is included in the estate. In 2020, a consortium purchased all the units in the estate for about $1.8 billion.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace and not revealing the location.