Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

百年歷史白加道山頂纜車站 Century-old Barker Road Peak Tram Station

白加道山頂纜車站位於中西區白加道旁邊,海拔363米。 建於1888年,只有一個月台,2021年列為一級歷史建築。

白加道山頂纜車站位於中西區白加道旁邊,海拔363米。 建於1888年,為往山頂方向纜車的最後一個中途站,並只有一個月台,市民可極近距離垷看纜車上落。2021年列為一級歷史建築。

Baker Road Peak Tram Station is located next to Barker Road in Central and Western District, at 363 metres above sea level. Built in 1888, it is the last stop of the tram service towards the peak. It has only one platform, and one can watch the tram operations from a very close range. In 2021, it is listed as a Grade I historic building.

楊必興 P H Yang