Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

探索荒廢建材廠 Explore Deserted Plant for Building Materials

一位城市探險達人進入一所荒廢的建築材料工廠。工廠於1980年開業,2001年關閉。 廢棄的場地包括一個巨大的倉庫和一座用作工人宿舍的兩層建築。 倉庫的部分屋頂已經倒塌,牆上有一些塗鴉。


該工廠於 1980 年開業,2001 年關閉,建在填海土地上。 廢棄的場地包括一個巨大的倉庫和一座用作工人宿舍的兩層建築。 倉庫的部分屋頂已經倒塌,牆上有一些塗鴉。 宿舍裏的家具和物品已被清空。


An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted plant for building materials.

The plant opened in 1980 and closed in 2001, and was built on reclaimed land. The deserted site includes a huge warehouse and a 2-storey building used as dormitory for the workers. Part of the roof of the warehouse has collapsed. Some graffiti is found on the walls. Furnitures and items has been cleared from the dormitory.

Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace and not revealing the location.

楊必興 P H Yang