Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

斐豹蛺蝶 Indian Fritillary

斐豹蛺蝶鮮橙色的翅膀上分布著黑色的斑點,活像一隻橙色的野豹。後翅邊緣鋸齒狀。展翅約 60 至 80 毫米;全年可見。


展翅約 60 至 80 毫米;全年可見。幼蟲食用戟葉菫菜和香堇菜。

The bright orange wings of the Indian Fritillary are covered with black spots, which looks like an orange wild leopard. The female butterfly’s wing has a purple-black triangular spot with a white diagonal band inside, while the male butterfly does not. The edges of hind wings are serrated.

Wingspan is about 60 to 80 mm; it is visible throughout the year. The larvae eat halberd leaf and sweet viola.

楊必興 P H Yang