Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

欺凌凶如雷 弱國哭無淚



1. 電腦圖形學(Computer Graphics,CG)




2. 布雷頓報告(Brereton Report)

真實故事來自「澳洲國防軍總監察長阿富汗調查報告」(別名「布雷頓報告」)(2)。當中指出了澳洲軍隊在阿富汗戰爭犯上的戰爭罪行,西方媒體也作了圖文描述,對手無寸鐵的弱小施以殘酷殺害(3)。事件由澳洲隨團律師David McBride在傳媒上把相關的「阿富汗文件」(The Afghan Files)洩漏,澳洲國防部今天逐步披露。

戰爭起因,焦點為九一一恐襲,但當中的仇恨早種於之前的中東戰爭,問題人物拉登(Osama bin Laden)也是美國一手培育。澳洲出兵是為美國吹哨而配合,軍人為何而戰,膽色如何鍛練?澳洲是否也是無妄之災而當上國際道德醜聞主角?





注: 1. 烏合麒麟微博網站

2. 澳洲國防部報告:“Inspector-General Australian Defence Force – Afghanistan Inquiry”  

3. 英國衛報相關報道: “Photo reveals Australian soldier drinking beer out of dead Taliban fighter’s prosthetic leg” 

4. 本文已投稿馬來西亞《南洋商報》,題為「中澳頭痕.美主浮沈」。

China-Australia dispute. America behind the scenes

A graphic image has caused a dispute between two countries over reality and fiction. Behind the scenes, the United States remains the leader of the game. The Five Eyes (U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) is aligned with fellow member Australia. The scene depicted by the drawing taken place in Afghanistan, where the United States started the war. With this, two new terms involved are introduced: Computer Graphics and the Brereton Report.

1. Computer Graphics, CG

The spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs adopted a graphic image created by “CG”, of which the producer is called Wuhe Qilin (1).  The Australian Prime Minister Morrison expressed that this was a fake image. In fact, this image is created through computer science by a young man. It is no difference between any traditional paintings, like watercolor, oil painting, etc. This kind of works have been categorized as artistic with creative implications.

The United States believes that they have the moral high ground on promoting freedom of speech. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is expressly or indirectly active almost in all developing countries (reference: As to the justification of this drawing, the answer can be obtained from the “Brereton Report”.

2. Brereton Report

The finding which states in The Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force Afghanistan Inquiry Report, commonly known as the “Brereton Report” (2) clearly demonstrates that the war crime committed by the Australian army in the War in Afghanistan.  Western media also reported this crime in pictures and text that the helpless Afghans were brutally killed. (3)  David McBride is a whistleblower and a former Australian Army lawyer made information (the “Afghan Files”) on this tragedy available to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), which broadcasted details in 2017, and recently the Australian Department of Defense gradually made the disclosure.

The cause of the war was generally related to the September 11 Attacks, but the hatred could be traced back to The Gulf War, or even earlier. The key person of Osama bin Laden, who was once received funding and military training by the United States. Australia sent their troops to Afghanistan was to support the United States. What did the soldiers fight and how were they trained for more courage? Did Australia unfortunately become the protagonist of an international moral scandal?

No matter what, Afghan civilian is no doubt an innocent and helpless community, and the unfair and unequal treatment they face has rarely been publicly and properly reported by the media. Finally, I will end with a poem to express my regrets about this situation:



(Weak countries being bullied. No guarantee of life. No tears left to cry. No one cares)
