Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

我哋重未 ___ 展 WE ARE NOT ___ Exhibition



「對抗暴政的抗爭已展開! 2019自由之夏至今九個月,但是數百萬香港人對政府的五大訴求,仍未得到回應,我們倘未成功、我們沒有退路。我們愈被打壓,我們就愈要發聲!

代表着香港人對民主追求的香港民主女神像,雖然於去年『被消失』於獅子山山頭,但是我們不氣餒、不妥協、不絕望。女神像給予港人的智慧、勇氣與意志,將會遍地開花。2020 年初夏,香港民主女神再度回歸!



2020年5月21日 – 6月7日

From the Artists Statement:
“Political turmoil engulfed the city! The voices of the millions remained unheard by the tyranny. When tyranny becomes law, rebellion is a duty. Where there is oppression, there is resistant!

The Lady Liberty Hong Kong, the iconic symbol of the democratic movement, returns after vanishing on the Lion Rock last October! Representing the wisdom, courage, and determination of the citizens of Hong Kong, the symbolic statue will be installed at OPENGROUND, from 21st May to 7th Jun.

We wish all you brothers and sisters to join us at the exhibition, and to share our moments of the democratic movements as well as our visions of a better Hong Kong. The exhibition is more than just an art show, it is also the assembly for the voices unheard, and for demonstrating our determination to liberate Hong Kong from the hands of the tyranny. United we stand, together we fight!”

198 Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Hosted by Lady Liberty Hong Kong
21 May – 7 Jun 2020

楊必興 P H Yang