Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

China Will Win──人類命運演進的終極目標

徐是雄教授在The Ultimate Goal of the Evolution of Human Destiny: China Will Win,闡明中華民族追求的大同世界是人類命運進化的最終目標。

徐是雄教授自2018年起,先後出版了五本有關「人類命運的演變和進化」系列的力作,系列的第五本書《人類命運演進的終極目標:中國必勝》,翻譯成英文版The Ultimate Goal of the Evolution of Human Destiny: China Will Win,現已出版在各大書店發售。(編按:系列的第四本書《誰是驅動人類命運演進的未來力量:中國模式+話語權 vs 西方模式+話語權》,亦翻譯成英文版The China Model and Chinese Power of Discourse vs The Western Model and Western Power of Discourse,在2022年4月出版。)







I have published a series of books in Chinese on the evolution of human destiny, beginning in 2018. My initial intention was to resolve some issues that Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (see his work, The Origin of Species, published in 1859, and all his other publications) had not thoroughly addressed, specifically the path, patterns, logic, rules and mechanisms employed in the evolution of human destiny. I drew heavily from the evolution of the destiny of the Chinese people, which constitutes one-fifth of the world population, in order to illustrate the values and issues involved, in particular those pertaining to the People’s Republic of China in the 40+ years since its modern reform. The incredible evolution and progress that China has experienced in the past 40+ years have not only resulted in massive changes in the outlook and destiny of China and its people, but has also impacted the evolution and future of mankind and human civilization as a whole, and shown a way for human beings to coexist and progress in a peaceful and harmonious manner on earth.

In my book, The Driving Force behind the Evolution of Human Destiny: Choices and Decisions, the first volume in the series, I have illustrated that though China has made some wrong choices and decisions in governance and administration in the past, it has also avoided irreparable and irreversible mistakes, such as the ones made by the Soviet Union. In particular, it has made proper strategic and policy decisions in the 40+ years since its modern reform, resulting in the unprecedented miracle of the China Model. As such, while the driving force behind the evolution of human destiny must come from the choices of mankind, it is imperative that these choices should be correct, and this is something that China has successfully achieved and cogently demonstrated.

In The Path of the Evolution of Human Destiny (Revised Edition), my second volume in the series, I have presented tangible arguments for this new theory of evolution of human destiny. In my third volume, Foundations and Elements for the Evolution of Human Destiny, I have explored the foundations and elements that have driven the evolution of human destiny, and in my fourth volume, What Will be the Driving Force behind Humanity’s Progress? The China Model and Chinese Power of Discourse vs the Western Model and Western Power of Discourse, I have presented evidence that the China Model is a more powerful driving force behind humanity’s existence and progress than the Western Model.

In this volume, The Ultimate Goal of the Evolution of Human Destiny: China Will Win, which is an English translation of the fifth volume in the series, I shall present evidence that the ultimate goal of the evolution of human destiny is not to achieve some ethereal “utopia”, nor “universal values” arbitrarily determined by the United States, nor a hegemony where the United States is the one and only truth. It should only be a world of unity and harmony as the Chinese people have historically sought to create, and whether it can be achieved will depend on whether the rest of the world (especially the US) is able to recognize, tolerate, respect and accept China’s current path, the development model that China has established (in various aspects, such as society, culture, technology, politics, economy, ecology, world order and civilization), and the concept of a community of shared future for humankind.

But unfortunately, even now, a lot of American political scientists still fail to see the merits of the China Model and insist on forcing China to adopt the so called “liberal type of democratic political system”, and the capitalist system with which it is associated (for example, see Francis Fukuyama’s recent book, Liberalism and Its Discontents (2022)), which in so many countries have been proven to be not only a weak doctrine and a bad political/economic system, but a highly devastating system which will bring instability, disunity, more inequality and the disruption of ethnic solidarity to a nation and its people.

In writing the series, I discovered that China has grasped and understood an important principle of governance: any foreign governance theory, concept, experience and method must be “Sinicized”, innovating with the times and implemented with a practical mindset in order to succeed and continue to develop in China. This is China’s path to victory. This is why I think China will outperform the US and win.

The other reason for writing the series is for the reference of Hong Kong secondary school and university students, in order to elevate their cognitive power, perception of matters, and ability to comprehend and analyse complex issues, and expand their knowledge and vision. I have citied a large number of primary sources about China that will help students understand the current state of the nation, its future development, mission, vision, goals, and the important position that China occupies internationally. This will help promote students’ patriotism, sense of belonging and national pride, giving them the confidence to tell China’s story well, spread Chinese culture, and advocate for Chinese civilization and world-view, guiding mankind’s destiny in the proper direction to continue to develop and evolve peacefully.

Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to everyone who has provided help and input in the writing and editing of this book.


書名:The Ultimate Goal of the Evolution of Human Destiny: China Will Win

編著:徐是雄 Professor ZEE Sze Yong

譯者:歐霖 AU Lim




徐是雄教授,生物學家,學術和研究成就昭著,為北京師範大學—香港浸會大學聯合國際學院 (UIC)榮休教授。曾任UIC副校長,香港大學生物學教授、生物學系主任及理學院副院長。也曾擔任過中國多所大學的客座教授及研究院的 客座研究員。2003年獲香港特別行政區政府頒授銀紫荊星章。歷任香港《基本法》諮詢委員會委員、港事顧問、香港特別行政區籌備委員會委員、香港特別行政區第㇐屆政府推選委員會委員,香港區第七、八屆全國人大代表,第九、十及十㇐屆全國政協委員,香港臨時市政局議員,香港南區區議員,及珠海市榮譽市民。





《誰是驅動人類命運演進的未來力量:中國模式+話語權 vs 西方模式+話語權》(2021)
What will be the Driving Force behind Humanity’s Progress? The China Model and Chinese Power of Discourse vs the Western Model and Western Power of Discourse(2022)

The Ultimate Goal of the Evolution of Human Destiny: China Will Win (2023)
