Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

蒙面的維多利亞女皇 尖鋭反映當前香港 Masked Queen Victoria Poignantly Echoes Current Hong Kong



一件名為「2047.40」的特出藝術品展示了蒙面的維多利亞女皇,這是對香港當前局勢的尖鋭反映。 11月2日,數十名防暴警察不知何故地衝進了擺放着維多利亞女皇雕像的維多利亞公園,發射了多發催淚彈,中斷了和平的區議會選舉集會。 3名候選人被捕。




Eric Fok, a Macau-based artist, kicks off ‘Notes On the Future’, his solo exhibition at Karen Weber Gallery.

A striking art piece titled ‘2047.40’ shows a masked Queen Victoria, a poignant reflection of the current situation in Hong Kong. On 2 November, dozens of riot police rushed into Victoria Park, where a statue of Queen Victoria sits, firing rounds of tear gas to disrupt peaceful district council election campaign meetings for no apparent reason. 3 candidates were arrested.

Fok says he made the mask an add-on piece as he hope that it can be removed in the future when peace returns to Hong Kong.

The greatest surprise in experiencing Eric Fok’s paintings lies in the way various historical eras amalgamate into a single work.  In Fok’s second solo exhibition with the gallery, the artist attempts to envisage the future of Hong Kong and Macau, whilst retaining his strong engagement with previous favourite themes such as the Age of Exploration, colonization and globalization.

Exhibition period: 8 November to 7 December 2019.

楊必興 P H Yang