Happy and Unhappy

Happy and Unhappy

快活是有不同程度的。英語 happiness 快樂的滿意程度,可以從心情歡暢到樂不可支,良辰、美景、賞心、樂事,雖然四者難並,但是用字要準確無誤。Choice of words must be accurate and precise.

Hand and Finger

Hand and Finger

Hand 有 help 幫助的意思,所以 give me a hand 或 lend someone a hand 都有助人一臂之力,幫助某人處理某事的含義。Give someone a big hand 為表演者鼓掌,表示讚賞;give one's...

Green and Blue

Green and Blue

綠色和環保的關係最密切,城市周圍的綠化地帶叫 green belt;any political group advocating strong protection of the environment 通稱 green party 綠黨:a party member or supporter of...

Gold and Silver

Gold and Silver

金與銀,同樣是金屬,待遇的差別有時會很大。奧運會金牌得主出盡風頭,銀牌健兒的成就,住往被傳媒冷落,很不公平。上屆冬季奧運會,加拿大華裔選手陳偉群獲得男子單人花樣滑冰比賽亞軍,無緣金牌,只得銀牌。網上竟然出現這段文字:Patrick Chan had the gold on a silver platter. He chose the platter。

Give and Take

Give and Take

Give and take 妥協、協調,有互相遷就的意思,fair compromise,是人與人之間平等互惠交往之道:Give and take is for the mutual benefit of both parties。A happy marriage largely depends on...

Fun and Joke

Fun and Joke

Humorous 有幽默感的,funny and enjoyable;showing a sense of humour;指引人發笑的成功嘗試,例如:a humorous fellow,一個幽默的傢伙。Witty 妙趣橫生的、機智巧妙的,clever and amusing,指聰明的幽默,例如:a witty remark 是機智的話。

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables

蘋果對洋人來說,健康之外,有文化、歷史、宗教的象徵特質,比喻和諺語的涵蓋面,既廣泛又多姿。The apple of discord 是希臘神話中引起爭吵之原因;the apple of one's eyes 是心肝寶貝、珍愛之物;a bad apple:對四周產生壞影響的人,不誠實、不道德、討人厭的傢伙;井井有條、齊整有序,可以用 apple-pie order 來形容。Upset the apple cart,即是帶來煩惱或破壞大計。

Friends and Enemies

Friends and Enemies

Frienship 友誼方面:best friend/good, old, dear friend/acquaintance,三者的程度拾級而下。書友 classmate,室友 roommate,隊友 teammate,知心友 soul-mate,都是朋友。

Football and Soccer

Football and Soccer

英國為了整頓1880年之前混亂無序的足球賽事和規則而組織了足球協會(football association)。這樣組織足球的正式名稱 association football 就誕生了,現在很多國家均取 association 中的 "soc",稱 football 足球為 soccer。

Foot and Leg

Foot and Leg

Foot 很多時和行動有關:put one's best foot forward,全力以赴,begin to do something purposefully;put a foot wrong,行差踏錯,act unwisely and make a mistake;you are caught...

Flower and Garden

Flower and Garden

日常英語中,很多比喻和修辭,來自園藝和花卉。Many metaphors and allegories have their origin in the cultivation of flowers and plants:Every thing in the garden is lovely,前景一片光明,情況令人滿意,everything...

Fire and Light

Fire and Light

野火燒不盡,春風吹又生:spread like wild fire,謠言往往像野火般迅速傳播,things such as rumour and gossip spread very rapidly。赴湯蹈火,在所不辭:go through fire and water, you are willing to...

Film and Television

Film and Television


Festivals and Celebrations

Festivals and Celebrations

全球節日,林林種種,類別繁多,各自各精釆。Kinds of festivals include celebrations, carnivals and other festivities,例如:Chinese New Year 華人的農曆新年;Cherry Blossom Festival of Japan 日本人的櫻花節;Rio Carnival—four days celebration...

Father and Son

Father and Son

Like father, like son generally means people usually behave like their parents,許多兒子不僅外表像父親,性格和處世也受父親的影響,正所謂有其父,必有其子。Fathers and sons resemble each other, and sons tend...

Faster Higher Stronger

Faster Higher Stronger

Fast 通常用來描述高速運動的人或事物,泛指高速度或具有高速度的能力。Quick 較多用來描述迅速或立即完成的事。運動場上,例如奧運會,fast 和 faster 大派用場。Rapid 最常用於描述事物變化的速度,而非運動的速度。

Far and Near

Far and Near

在比賽或競爭中不分高下,難分勝負,equal or very close,可以用 neck and neck:The two computer companies are neck to neck in their competition to win over...

Face and Skin

Face and Skin

面部表情的動詞,林林種種,七情上面:to beam 笑逐顏開:to have a big happy smile;to frown 皺眉、蹙額:to make a serious,angry,or worried expression;to glare 怒目而視、咄咄逼人地瞪眼:to look in an...

Eyes and Sight

Eyes and Sight

At first sight 是眼睛初看時的第一印象;second sight 則是先見之明:the ability to foretell the future。讓人賞心悅目的景象,樂於看見的人物,a sight for sore eyes is a pleasant surprise。假如你下定決心,以某樣東西為奮鬥目標,並努力爭取,you set...

Eight and Nine

Eight and Nine

Dressed up to the nines 穿著講究,衣飾華麗,dressed very stylishly with nothing overlooked,穿著最時髦或大方得體的衣服。If you are dressed up to the nines, you wear...

Eating and Drinking

Eating and Drinking

Eat, drink and be merry. 行樂要及時,今朝有酒今朝醉。招待某人大吃大喝是 wine and dine somebody,即是 treat somebody to an expensive meal;精神食糧方面,值得思考的議題,令人再三咀嚼的談話,耐人尋味的電影等,都可以說:food for thought, an interesting...

Easy and Difficult

Easy and Difficult

極容易 as easy as pie,相等於唾手可得 it is a piece of cake,非常容易做得到。As easy as winking 等於 very easy indeed,簡直易如反掌,誰都辦得到。你需要用盡方法去克服的困難 a very...

Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment

法律講證據。慣用語 a smoking gun,是指 a piece of evidence and the indisputable sign of someone's guilt,證明某人犯罪的真憑實據,例如犯案現場留下的指紋:The fingerprints left on the door-handle...

Cool and Cold

Cool and Cold

FREEZING 比 cold 程度更強,指結冰的温度。Extremely cold weather 也可以說 it’s bitterly cold。CHILLY 多用於指 cool 與 cold 之間的的氣温,LUKEWARM 和 TEPID 指不冷不熱;a cold snap...

Complaints and Compromise

Complaints and Compromise

Complain 埋怨的同義詞有 grumble 咕噥、發牢騷,表達抱怨者心情不好的感受;moan 埋怨、whine 絮絮叨叨地抱怨,抱怨使人心煩,强調聽者的心情。Compromise 妥協,和解的精髓是互諒互讓,雙方同時放棄原本想要的東西,達到皆大歡喜的收場,而不是兩敗俱傷,所謂 give and take,有得就有失。

Clothes and Fashion

Clothes and Fashion

時裝講究款式和潮流:A fashion is a style of clothing that is popular in a particular time。穿著入時的人物,文字傳媒流行叫做 fashionista。 盲目趕時髦的人,時尚的受害者稱為 a fashion victim。Clothes horse...

Clever and Stupid

Clever and Stupid

A clever and intelligent person 聰明的人,智力發達,記憶力好,理解力強,英文的比喻有 as bright as button 以及 a bright spark;a mine of information 知識淵博的人,消息靈通人士。形容 being stupid...

Cats and Dogs

Cats and Dogs

Like the cat that got the cream 貓兒舔牛奶,看起來十非滿足及快樂。Like the cat that ate the canary 洋洋得意,躊躇滿志。If you grin like a Cheshire...

Borrowing and Lending

Borrowing and Lending

Borrow 與 Lend 這两個字常被混淆,借入用 borrow,借出用 lend。Borrow 還有引用、借用的意思,例如思想、言語、文字等多方面;Lend 常見說法,亦有增添的意思,或給予(give, provide, support)等生動用法。

Body Language

Body Language

英語學習方面,將身體(parts of the body)和某些特定的動詞(particular verbs)連成一起,可以生動準確地表達感情(emotion)和態度(attitude)。

Boats and Ships

Boats and Ships

「兩岸猿聲啼不住,輕舟已過萬重山」「姑蘇城外寒山寺,夜半鐘聲到客船」,輕舟和客船體積小,都是英文的 boats;鄭和下西洋63艘大型海船,最大可載重800噸的寶船,才是 ships。A ship or large boat 又叫 a vessel。

Blood and Bones

Blood and Bones

慣用語 blood, sweat and tears 表示為某件差使付出的努力和痛苦;這句成語的出處,來自英國首相邱吉爾世界大戰時的演說。他曾經幾次說過這句話:"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."(我只有血液、辛勞、眼淚和汗水,可以貢獻給大家。)

Black and White

Black and White

假如你對某些事實或情境,認為只有很簡單而又非常肯定的意見,黑白分明,好壞、是非清清楚楚,你可以用 black and white 來形容。核子武器的問題相當複雜,不是非黑即白那麼簡單:The issue of nuclear weapons isn't as black and white as it used to be。有時候,我們對看事物非對即錯,流於過份簡單的人,也可以說:you see...

Birth and Life

Birth and Life

生活有輕鬆的一面,也有嚴肅的一面:life is a bowl of cherries(生活充滿樂趣);life is not all beer and skittles(人生非遊樂而已)。奢侈的生活方式是 high life = luxurious lifestyle;生活優哉悠哉,全無金錢上或工作上的顧慮是 live the life...

Birds and Fowls

Birds and Fowls

物以類聚,禽鳥喜歡聯群結隊,英語的集體名詞(collective nouns)林林種種,除了 "group" 之外,古怪的叫法很多,英語程度高深的外藉人士才通䁱,例如:a flight or flock of birds; a murder of crows; a parliament of owls; a company of...

Big and Small

Big and Small

法國大散文家蒙田(Montaigne)說:大事不糊塗,小事必馬虎。英國小說家哥爾德斯密斯(Oliver Goldsmith)說:渺小的事在渺小的人看來是巨大的。

Apology and Regret

Apology and Regret

Apology 有道歉和謝罪的意思。Sorry 表示歉疚;慚愧;過意不去。Excuse me or pardon me 即勞駕,對不起。Regret 是一椿錯事後的沮喪或悲傷,而且不一定是自己做錯事。Remorse 指心中有愧、罪、責、懺悔,通常是因自己犯的嚴重錯失而感受到的。

Anger and Annoyance

Anger and Annoyance

Anger(憤怒)是一種情緒反應,通常是指受到冒犯以及錯誤的對待時,引起的自我防衛機制及强烈反應。Annoyance 是比憤怒輕微的煩惱,令人生氣的情緒狀態。Annoyance 的近義詞是 Irritation,令人煩惱、造成麻煩的事物。

Airplane and Flying

Airplane and Flying

中國詩人徐志摩1931年死於飛機失事,1926年他寫過一篇傳頌一時的散文《想飛》,文中說:「是人沒有不想飛的。老是在這地面上爬着夠多厭煩,不說別的。飛出這圈子,飛出這圈子!到雲端裏去,到雲端裏去! 這才是做人的趣味!」

Agreement and Disagreement

Agreement and Disagreement

假如雙方辯論和爭議時,有意化解衝突,同意各自保留不同意見,可以說 agree to disagree,或者 agree to differ,表示容忍對方,但並不接受他的立場:tolerate but do not accept the opposing position。最重要的是,我並不同意你的觀點,但是我誓死捍衛你說話的權利。這句是來自法國哲人伏爾泰(Voltaire)的金石良言:I disapprove of what you say, but...

Act and Action

Act and Action

「願望只是美麗的彩虹,行動才是澆灌果實的雨水。」(英國諺語)。「行動是知識成熟後的果實」(R. B. Fuller)。英國散文家培根認為:「人生的目標不是知識而是行動」(“The great end of life is not knowledge but action.” - Francis Bacon)。可見行動的重要性。

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