War and Weapons

War and Weapons

日常英語中,充斥來自戰爭、軍事、作戰策略以及各種武器 的慣用語。有些望文生義,有些 源遠流長,認識背後的來歷和故事,可以增加閱讀趣味。



真真假假。「真作假時假亦真,無為有處有還無」出自《紅樓夢》。 中國四大名著之一的不朽巨著 《紅樓夢》作者曹雪芹,不僅文學造詣精進,而且故意地將「真事隱去」,讓「假語存言」。



社會出人頭地的精英是 the cream of society;一本書的精華, 一齣電影最精釆的片段, 一個人事業的高峰,都有不同的說法:the best part of a book ; the highlight of a film; the highpoint...

Smell and Nose

Smell and Nose

玫瑰代表芬芳。Rose by any other name would smell as sweet, 名稱其實並不是最重要的東西,事物的價值,在乎其本質,叫它做什麼,沒有分別。This famous phrase is from Shakespeare's play “Romeo and Juliet”。玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。

Spring and Seasons

Spring and Seasons

英國人和澳洲人見到喜喜洋洋、跳跳躍躍的人,喜歡說:“She’s full of the joys of spring ”;一年四季,春夏秋冬。Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter 的形容詞也稍有不同……

Same and Different

Same and Different

簡簡單單的一個 SAME 字,文法上 ,可以是形容詞 adjective、代名詞 pronoun、助動詞adverb;兩樣東西一模一樣, 同義詞有just like, exactly like, identical, can’t tell the difference, can’t tell them apart……

Safety and Risk

Safety and Risk

英諺有云:Discretion is the best part of valour 小心謹慎為上策、勇敢之本;也說:Nothing ventured, nothing gained 不入虎穴、焉得虎子。不敢冒險,就一事無成。可見 Safety and Risk 安全和風險,只是取向上的態度不同,英文慣用語,琳瑯滿目,見仁見智。

Roads and Driving

Roads and Driving

RAOD AND STREET 最常見的的習用語:there is no royal road to learning 求知無坦途,學問無捷徑;take the high road 依照自已的信仰,採取最合乎倫理道德、不傷害他人的方式做正確的事;middle of the road 中庸之道,緩和之策 average...

Red and Yellow

Red and Yellow


Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice

Pride goes before a fall 驕傲使人失敗,是至理名言。傲慢,往往令人聯想到偏見,多得英國女作家 Jane Austen 珍・奧斯汀家傳户曉的文學名著 Pride and Prejudice《傲慢與偏見》推波助瀾的功勞。

Praise and Blame

Praise and Blame

PRAISE 是幾個同樣表示稱讚,讚揚,用得最口語化、最廣泛的英文字;praiseworthy 是值得稱讚的,值得表揚的意思。You can sing the praises of somebody 竭力誇獎;LAUD 表示高度讚譽,對某種特殊成就予以歌頌;COMMEND 是書面正式用語,一般用於上級對下屬,長輩對晚輩的稱讚或表揚。BLAME 表示責怪、指摘,將責任歸咎於他人。責怪也有直接的責備:it's all your fault; you're to blame,以及間接的、含蓄的、表較委婉的。

Power and Politics

Power and Politics

權力和政治,往往分不開。很多沾上權力的英文用語,都跟政治有關:我們說掌握權力,開始執政,come into power meaning you come into control of the government;強權政治 power politics;權力分享 power sharing;社會權力中堅 power elite;權力競爭遊戲 power game;權力鬥爭 power...

Old and New

Old and New

Old people 比較幽默的說法:grey-haired/getting on/over the hill/advanced in years/full of years/past your prime/you are no spring chicken。Old timer 是老行尊、老居民、老資格的人。公司或機構如果要除舊報新,便要注入新血 new blood,革除陋習,力求創新,以圖改善現狀。A...

Music and Song

Music and Song

上世紀最著名鋼琴家 Vladimir Horowitz 說過:鋼琴彈到像唱歌一樣,就最美妙了!Music to my ears 悅耳的聲音,我很高興聽到的信息;swansong 絕唱:藝術家、音樂家等最後的作品;演員的告別演出;運動員的告別比賽都屬於這類「天鵝之歌」;假如你想說勝負還沒有決定,還有希望追趕,不到最後,結果難料,你可以用一句有趣的成語來表達:It's not over until the fat lady sings.

Moving and Walking

Moving and Walking

動靜皆宜,一動不如一靜;英文動詞 move 一般可指:改變位置,取得進步,採取行動等多重意義。我們說 move along 向前移動,get moving 馬上行動,go ahead 先走一步,change position 更換位罝;卻習慣說 make progress 取得進步。

Mouth and Taste

Mouth and Taste

各人有各人的口味。人的愛憎好惡,往往是無法解釋的:there is no accounting for taste: it is very difficult to understand why somebody likes something that you do not...

Mountain and Land

Mountain and Land

人生的巔峰狀態,就如 on the top of a hill。Peak 山巔,頂峰,正如一個人的高峰期 at the peak of a person's power。當你不再年輕,你想做某件事情,年紀已經太老了,力不從心,只好感喟地嘆息:I am already over the hill...

Mother and Daughter

Mother and Daughter

Mother 媽媽、媽咪的英語,出現大同小異的叫法:Mum, Mummy, Mom, Mommy, Ma, Mammy, Mama, Momma。當中 Mum and Mummy 屬於英式日常英語;Ma and Mammy 多用於勞動階級以及稱呼年長的婦女;Mama 主要是兒語,多用於上層階級。母親和女兒的關係最密切。有其母,必有其女。女兒最容易受母親影響,所以有 Like mother, like...

Money Talks

Money Talks

容易賺的錢是 easy money,money for old rope 或 money for jam。財源滾滾來,當然是 rolling in money 或者印銀紙一樣:have a licence to print money;腰纏萬貫是 someone...

Lion and Tiger

Lion and Tiger

Lion 獅子,是獸中之王 king of beasts,在西方國家,有皇帝和英雄的形象:the lion has been the national emblem of Britain since the Middle ages and British is...

Line and Point

Line and Point

Line 可以指界限 a line to draw the limit,劃界綫,以示區分,尤指運動場地的界綫,例如網球員發球時他的腳必須站在底綫的外面,the tennis player's feet must be behind the line when he serves。Point 點,英語方面有多層意思:要點...

Likes and Dislikes

Likes and Dislikes

社交網站 Facebook 用戶遍及全球,世界上最多人認識的和喜歡的,很可能是 Like 這個英文字。假如你觸電地愛上某人,you are moonstruck by her,像羅密歐看中朱麗葉:You take a shine to her and you like her immediately,一見鍾情,重點在快,一瞬間擦出火花。你不喜歡某人,可以說:I can't...

Learn and Know

Learn and Know

Learn 跟 study 的意思相近,但用途廣泛得多。Learn 的涵義,最少有三個:學習 to gain knowledge or skill、記住 to fix in the memory、得悉 to become informed。You live and...

Joy and Peace

Joy and Peace

"Joy to the World" 《普世歡騰》,天主教譯為《普天同慶》,是著名的聖誕頌歌,所要傳達的信息是歡樂和愛(joy and love)。Joy/Pleasure/Delight/Treat 均指令人愉快、高興的事,在英語運用上有什麼分別呢?Peace 和平,不但指國與國 between countries,人與人 between person and person,也可以指一個人本身平和的心境。

Ice and Storm

Ice and Storm

如臨深淵,如履薄冰,形容處於危險或困難境地,可能有不良後果或不堪設想的情况:the English idiom "skate on thin ice" refers to a risky situation which is dangerous or unwise, the danger being...

Hot and Warm

Hot and Warm

Hot 經常和憤怒扯上關係,有 angry 的聯想,someone who has a hot temper becomes angry very easily。Warm 就比 hot 舒服,給人暖和的,温暖的感覺,你想表達令人感到快樂和滿足的感覺,不妨用 to warm the cockles...

Horse and Pig

Horse and Pig

Horse racing 賽馬是世界各國的重要馬術運動、體育競賽和社交活動,英國有著名 Derby Horse Races 打吡大賽,由虛齡四歲的純種馬 Thoroughbred 參加;Royal Ascot Races 皇家雅士谷賽事,因有英國王室支持,頗負盛名;賽馬分為 flat racing 平地賽和 steeplechase 障礙賽(the rough-and-tumble race)兩種。馬術 horse...

Home and Family

Home and Family

一個家要有人情味,比房子需要多點時間建立:You build a home with love and time, and build a house with a hammer and saw. 詩意一點的說法,家有愛,有夢想。

Heart and Mind

Heart and Mind

現在,愛情、熱情、人情、同情,都跟 heart 息息相關:heartbreak 心碎;heart-rending 令人心痛;lose your heart to someone 傾心愛上某人;cry your heart out 傷心而號啕痛哭;break someone's heart 令對方感到極之傷心難過;have a broken heart...

Health and Illness

Health and Illness

人的身體,健康狀況有程度上的分別:神釆奕奕、情況尚可、體質轉壞、入院接受治療、危在旦夕等,都有不同的英文語句,洽當地描述。身體狀態非常良好,最普遍的說法有:I'm feeling fine/I'm feeling very well. 活潑的片語是 I'm as fit as a fiddle,非常健康。口語化但比較老套的片語是 I'm in the pink (old- fashioned, informal)...

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