法新社的 Nicolas Asfouri在2019年香港反送中抗爭的5張照片在「一般新聞──故事」類別中獲第一獎,引起了廣泛關注。
Asfouri 的獲獎照片包括一名警察暴力地跪在被壓下的抗爭者頸上,以及一群穿著校服的少女手牽手在人鏈抗議中反對2019年9月現已撤銷的引渡修例。
法新社攝影師千葉靖良(Yasuyoshi Chiba)贏得年度最佳照片,照片中蘇丹的一名男子在反政府抗爭活動中背誦詩歌。
來自世界各地的44位新聞攝影記者的157張照片在金鐘統一中心5樓 theDesk 展示,至4月10日,需預先登記。
The prestigeous World Press Photo Contest Exhibition was initially scheduled to open on March 1 at Baptist University, which cancelled at the last minute after a pro-Beijing newspaper accused it of inciting violence.
The showcase of the annual competition that awards “the best visual journalism” around the world was nixed as Beijing and local authorities oversee a sweeping crackdown on dissent in the city.
5 photos from the 2019 Hong Kong anti-extradition protests by Nicolas Asfouri of Agence France-Presse won first prize in the ‘General News, Stories’ category, attracting lots of attention.
The winning images by Asfouri include a shot of a police officer brutally kneeing the neck of a downed protester and a group of teenage girls in school uniforms holding hands in a human chain protest against the now-withdrawn extradition bill in September of 2019.
The exhibition features 10 visual stories including pro-democracy protests in Iraq, Algeria, and Hong Kong and other overlaying themes like climate change.
AFP photographer Yasuyoshi Chiba won Photo of the Year with an image of a man in Sudan reciting poetry during anti-government protests.
In October 2020, the same exhibition was shut down a week early without explanation by authorities in neighbouring Macau.
A total of 157 photographs by 44 photojournalists from around the world are showcased at theDesk, 5/F, United Centre in Admiralty, through April 10. Advance registration is required and free tickets are gone quickly by popular demand.